Do It Yourself
Prayer flags!!!
Prayer Flags are simply rectangular pieces of fabric sewed to a long ribbon. There is no need to buy new fabric for this. Old sheets and pillow cases abound at thrift stores and it’s a good way repurpose beloved ripped or stained clothing. You can also use old doilies and of course, hankies. And a single hankie is a prayer flag in itself.
Hankies can be found at thrift stores and especially that mighty cyberspace thrift store, EBay. Search for a vintage lot of handkerchiefs. Prices vary, but good deals can be found.
I get my custom made stamps at and also on Etsy. There are other companies that will make stamps to order, just google custom made stamps. It’s very easy to create stamps of statements or quotes and for images, you just need a good black and white image. Don’t buy the self stamping ones. Order stamp pads from I search for feminist and goddess stamps on Etsy and there continues to be interesting additions in those categories. In San Francisco there is a great place to buy art stuff people have let go of called SCRAP. It’s fun to treasure hunt for stamps and they’ve shown up in all sorts of ways.
For a couple of decades when I first began making psanky there was only one company I knew of that sold supplies, a company called Arka in New York City. They are still there, but they no longer sell the supplies. They don’t have to as there now are plenty of small companies selling. psanky supplies. The best thing to do if you are just starting is get Luba’s egg decorating kit. It is a great beginning kit with good instructions and you can get it here. Luba herself has a wonderful website with tons of information on the history of psanky. Go here to read.