Mosaics - bits of pieces become a whole

“We are mosaics. Pieces of light, love, history, stars... Glued together with magic and music and words.”  - Anita Krizzan

To make a mosaic is to make magic. You take a multitude of separate pieces and out of that, you create a whole. The most interesting mosaics are made up of diverse materials. I rarely, maybe never, set out with with a clear vision of what it will look like at completion, with knowing what will be put down and used. I start with a general concept and clear intention and go from there, trusting that the right material will come to me at the right time. And this happens, over and over again. The bowl of shells call out to me to be used, the button box makes itself known or a teacup breaks at just the right moment to be incorporated in. Making mosaics has turned me into a human magpie, drawn to collect shiny bits that I find wherever I go. My pockets are often collections of bits of glass, beads, and broken jewelry that I’ve picked up from the street. If it can be glued down, it will find it’s place.